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Learner Stories
Edris talks about her journey from income assistance to having a job and how women’s empowerment programs supported her in learning about herself and feeling connected to her community.
About a year ago, I was referred to the Power Up program by Social Development. My favorite part was the expectation that we were responsible to be there. I treated it like a job. I got up in the morning, got my coffee ready and went. One of the topics that really stuck with me was on joy. I had not considered the idea that you could be happy for the sake of being happy. I wanted to find my happiness. Since then, I have taken WEN’s Self-Esteem course. This came at the perfect time in my life because I had just left an abusive relationship. The support of everyone there kept me going. I got my power back. I am currently taking the Stress Management course. I’ve become even more involved in the Learning Exchange. I graduated from WESLinks before Christmas and am now enrolled in WorkLinks. My son and I are planning to host a cultural workshop and talking circle so the learners can discover more about First Nations. I’m excited to give back. When you walk into the building, you feel like you are coming home. Everyone there is working together to help you. You put your mind to it, you commit, and you will get what you want out of the programs.
Read moreI first became aware of the Learning Exchange through the UYES! (Urban Youth Employment/Education Services) program. Everyone there was so supportive and understanding. The atmosphere was welcoming and I didn’t feel the daily pressure I felt in traditional high school.
Read moreMichelle talks about how she overcame challenges in her life with the support of women's empowerment programs.
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