Learner Stories

Madalynn’s Story

Madalynn’s Story

I first became aware of the Learning Exchange through the UYES! (Urban Youth Employment/Education Services) program. Everyone there was so supportive and understanding. The atmosphere was welcoming and I didn’t feel the daily pressure I felt in traditional high school. As a mom, I found the class schedule very flexible. It was built around what I needed. Once I got my Adult High School diploma, we started to talk about the next step. I looked at welding at NBCC. I was good with my hands and the trades are in my family. Now I get to use all the skills I learned at the Learning Exchange at college every day.

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Crystal’s Story

I didn’t finish high school but worked for three years until 2016. I was laid off unexpectedly, but decided to look at it positively. I thought, ‘This is my chance. I have to do something.’ 

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Dawn’s Story

I was aging out of the school system, so my husband’s social worker suggested I go to the Learning Exchange because they could help me get my GED. I went more than once to see what would work for me and that never seemed to matter. In 2019, I went back to WorkLinks because I got tired of living on the system. I took all nine workshops of the Soft Skills training. They also helped me find an internship with the United Way. 

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Dawn’s Story

Dawn discusses how women's empowerment programs helped her overcome feelings of isolation and connect with other women in her community.

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