Gain practical work skills

Workplace Essential Skills (WESLinks) is a 12-week program that provides participants with the foundation they need to succeed in the workforce. WESLinks allows participants to enhance their employability and gain practical work skills in a supportive environment. The program has a small class size and everyone works at their own pace. There is no high school diploma or GED required for participation.


WESLinks participants will gain knowledge in computer literacy, career exploration, workplace literacy and numeracy, and soft skills. The program uses project-based learning to teach many of these skills, which could include participating in running a food pantry for Learning Exchange participants, manufacturing and developing a line of natural cleaning products, or sewing various items to be sold in one of our social enterprises.

Gain skills,
earn money

WESLinks participants earn money for attendance and for participating in the project-based activities in the program. They can also work with a coach to set employment, education, and personal development goals and get paid for achieving them.

What is WESLinks?
What does a Community Navigator do?

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