the Team

Let’s work together

Every member of the Learning Exchange team comes to work every day because we care about the people around us. We are a passionate group of individuals with a wide range of backgrounds, skills, and experience. We work together to create a place where people feel safe, seen, heard, and supported. Most of all, we want to help people find the path that works best for them to achieve their goals.

Christina Fowler
President & CEO
Mandy Burke-Evans
Social Enterprise Director
Brandi MacFarlane
Social Enterprise Operations Coordinator
Chrissy Cusack
Program Coordinator
Leah Secord
Women's Program Coordinator
Dayna Lutes
Learning Specialist
Janelle Flanagan
Growth & Career Development Director
Ginny Hooper
L.E.A.P. Facilitator
Heather Cusack
GOALS Teacher
Hannah Duguay
G.O.A.L.S. Facilitating Tutor & Coach
Kassandra Goudreau
Youth Workforce Coach
Jillian Jessulat
WESLinks Facilitator
Patrick Russell
WorkLinks Job Development Coach
Mary Snow
WorkLinks Workforce Coach
Trish Nickerson
Administrative Assistant
Amanda Beckwith
Soft Skills & Women's Program Facilitator
Alex Tabler
Women's Empowerment Program Facilitator
Alex Smith
Social Enterprise Administrator
Kelly Morell
Outreach Coordinator
Shelley Jarvis
Stone Soup Cafe Manager
Eric Savoy
Stone Soup Cafe Team
Melissa Mailman
Stone Soup Cafe Team
Catie MacQuarrie
Stone Soup Cafe Team
Jaclyn Doucette
Voila Team
Kurissa Stanley
Voila Team
Cheyanne Fulton
Creative Squirrel Team Lead

Board of Directors

Karla Baxter
Board of Directors Chair
Craig Estabrooks
Board of Directors Vice-Chair
Hilary Duggan
Board of Directors Treasurer
Emily McGill
Board of Directors Secretary
Bernadette Fernandes
Board of Directors Member
Chris Toole
Board of Directors Member
Doug Evans
Board of Directors Member
Francine Quinn Steeves
Board of Directors Member
Patrick Beamish
Board of Directors Member
Dianne McQuade-Clark
Board of Directors Member

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