A whole-person approach

The Basic Education & Skills Training (B.E.S.T) program is for individuals looking for support moving toward their education and employment goals with a holistic approach that includes aspects of personal development to address barriers and set goals.
The program is individualized and self-paced.

Earn credits
and get paid

B.E.S.T. participants receive support preparing to take the CAEC tests or completing the Adult High School Diploma with individualized, self-paced learning plans. They earn money for completing assignments, passing CAEC tests, and achieving the goals they set with their facilitator. Participants also benefit from the knowledge of guest speakers and opportunities to participate in training.


B.E.S.T. also supports personal development to help learners gain pre-employment skills, explore interests and options, and work with a coach one-on-one to decide next steps. The program will connect participants to community partners and resources to support overcoming personal challenges.

What is B.E.S.T.?
What is Post-Secondary Coaching?

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