Learner Stories

Lynda’s Story

Lynda talks about how taking women’s empowerment programs helped her overcome obstacles and build a network and a support system.

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Edris, a Day in the Life

Edris talks about her journey from income assistance to having a job and how women's empowerment programs supported her in learning about herself and feeling connected to her community.

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Al’s Story

When I came to the Learning Exchange, I knew I was looking for something different. I had experienced the traditional path – creating a resume, then reworking it, sending it around and was getting no response. I had come from a high-paying job in Nova Scotia and had a lot of experience but the feedback I was getting was that I was overqualified – or seemed to be. Someone had recommended the Learning Exchange and I made the call. 

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Sam’s Story

Sam discusses how she overcame barriers with the support she received in women's empowerment programming.

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