Financial and Workplace Math 110 (GOALS)
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Welcome to Financial & Workplace Math 110. Math is sometimes a scary word for people, but it is important to have a solid understanding of some math even if you are not going to use it in your future job because we use math all the time (even if we don’t think we do). 

Here are some examples of how we use math in our regular lives:

  • When you are in a room and trying to figure out where there is space for different things 
  • If you’re trying to figure out if you can fit into or through a space
  • At the grocery store and trying to decide how much money you have spent to see if you have enough for everything on your list 
  • Making a budget for yourself and knowing out how much you are spending on different bills and how much you need 
  • Hanging a picture on a wall and figuring out where it goes, at what height, and if it’s straight
  • Drawing a picture and trying to make sure that the images look right, nothing is too big or too small for the space and when compared to each other
  • Taking a photo and lining up your images, putting things in the centre or off to the side

In this course you will learn to apply math to both abstract and real-world situations. You will be introduced to math that you will use for a long time after school. 

By the end of this course you will have developed:

  • spatial sense
  • number sense and critical thinking skills 
  • algebraic reasoning
  • statistical reasoning

You will be doing this through a series of assignments and activities. At the start of each unit you’ll be told a bit about what you’re going to be learning and then you will be given a combination of PowerPoints and videos to understand the material. In every unit there are spaces where you can check for your own understanding. You can do this as many times as you need so if you find you’ve gotten answers wrong, go back and review the work again. Once you feel comfortable with the information, you’ll have assignments to complete.